Andrews Center may accept gifts, grants, and donations of money, personal property, and real property for use in expanding and improving the mental health services available to the citizens of our area.

Although the government provides some services for persons with disabilities, due to budget cuts, many agencies that provide these services have had to downsize and eliminate some services. Contributions from the community are needed to fill in the gaps to help address these unmet needs.

For information on making a donation, please contact the executive assistant in the Tyler administrative office – 903.535.7338.


Andrews Center programs and consumers have numerous needs that cannot be met within our limited budgets. A donation could help us provide items necessary to improve the quality of life for many of the individuals we serve.

To learn more about how a tax-deductible contribution can help meet a specific need, please select a “Specific Need” from the list below to see a list of current projects in need of funding. Contributions may be allocated to a specific need, or may be left to Andrews Center discretion to allow us to decide how the donation will be best used.

Please feel free to call with questions: 903.535.7338


Andrews Center may accept gifts, grants, and donations of money, personal property, and real property for use in expanding and improving the mental health and mental retardation services available to the citizens of our area.

If the gift, grant, or donation is made for a specific purpose and accepted by the Board, the Center shall use the gift, grant, or donation in accordance with the purpose expressly prescribed by the donor. If the Center determines that the gift, grant, or donation cannot be economically used or used for the purpose expressly prescribed by the donor, or poses a risk that is unacceptable to the Board, the Center may decline the gift, grant, or donation. Gifts of securities must be marketable and shall be liquidated as soon as practical.

Contributions of cash, pledges, goods or services of $250 or more in value shall be officially accepted by the Board of Trustees at the next regularly scheduled meeting after receipt of the contribution.

Contributions of cash, pledges, goods or services less than $250 in value shall be accepted by the Chief Executive Officer or his designee and do not need Board of Trustees acceptance.

The Center shall keep a record of all contributions at the office of the Chief Executive Officer. Acknowledgments shall be provided to all donors in accordance with current IRS guidelines (IRS publication 1771.)

The Chief Executive Officer shall implement this policy in accordance with the accepted management and professional principles and practices, and in consonance with all applicable federal, state, and local statutes, ordinances and rules and regulations.