Doors open to the community resource show at noon.
At 1:45 p.m. the tables will take a break as we convene for presentations in the main hall.
Keynote speaker Doug Smith, will give a message of hope based on his own lived experience. Doug suffered from mental illness and substance abuse for years and was eventually incarcerated. Doug got help and turned his life around becoming highly educated and accomplished. He now serves an advisor of mental health for the State of Texas.
Josh Tomlin, a Whitehouse native and former pitcher for the Atlanta Braves, who led them to a World Series win. Josh has a special interest in children’s mental health and will share an inspiring message.
Andrews will be making an important announcement that ties into the message from Josh. From 4-5, the community resource show continues.
Join us for an exciting afternoon as we come together the share the hope and promise of a community working to solve the crisis of mental health.
If you are interested in having a community resource table, please contact nlestage@andrewscenter.com